Wednesday, June 26, 2013


This is a "rebuttal" to a poem called "Fur Theo Van Doesburg" by Hans Arp translated from German in which he verbalizes the utter hopelessness of the view that man is a cosmic accident of nature, a blight on an earth struggling to evolve; a view of man in which there is no acknowledgement of his Creator.
The view of man that I wrote about in this bit is man as he was designed to be in Eden, what he ought to be today, and one day because of Christ's sacrifice on the cross...what he will be.


Head upward, eyes upward
Arms outstretched to the skies
He stands, worshiping his Creator
Who breathed life into the dust
he stands upon

He is crowned with glory and honor
Lovingly fashioned in the image of his God
He converses with his Maker as with a friend
he worships and adores Him

he sees, he hears, he speaks
communing with his Author
he lives, he laughs, he loves
possessing the attributes of the Most High

Fully fashioned after his God
In every way
To think God's thoughts after Him
And walk with Him hand in hand

Head upward, eyes upward
Arms outstretched to the skies
He stands, worshiping his Creator
Who breathed life into the dust
he stands upon