Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Autumn Leaves

Fall was my Dad's favorite time of of the reasons being that it reminded him that his life was fleeting, and that he would soon be with the Lord. I wrote this awhile back and it was one of his favorites...

"Autumn Leaves"

The autumn leaves begin to turn
A million shades of orange and red.
The Winter whispers softly
and to it’s lair the earth is led.

The leaves were recent lush and green,
 now to the ground they fall.
Some hold fast there for a while
but soon they loosen, all.

Upon the earth they lie in heaps,
Remembered not by any one.
They turn to dust from whence they came
their appointed time is done.

How much more is man like this!
His days are like the grass.
He stands upon the earth awhile,
then to God his soul doth pass.

Seeing how thy time is short
and hasty passes ‘way;
think you not about thy soul
and when you stand ‘fore God one day?

Sinner look to Him and be ye saved,
for You He longs to know.
Though thy sins were red like scarlet
yet wilt thou be white as snow.