Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Thy Word

Lord thank You for Your Word which "liveth and abideth forever."

"Thy Word"

O God the word that Thou didst give
from which first I heard of Thee,
that You a King from Ancient Days
would come to earth and die for

It tells a man he's born in sin
and lost and hopeless on his own;
It tells how You, O Mighty God
descended low from off Your Throne

To turn Your enemies to Light
and many thus to seek and save.
You laid upon a cross to die
then rose again up from the grave.

I thank Thee for these Scriptures true
which tell of Your Great Majesty;
and how You came down to Redeem
all that would believe on Thee.

Living Word, free from sin
took on flesh to bleed for men.